pablo hernán benedí, violon/violin

Né à Madrid en 1991, Pablo Hernàn Benedí a étudié avec Fernando Rius et Polina Kotliarskaya au Conservatoire Padre Antonio Soler à San Lorenzo de El Escorial, mais aussi avec Gordan Nikolitch avec lequel il a joué dans l'orchestre bandArt. Depuis 2009, il est étudiant de David Takeno à l’Ecole des Arts Musicaux et Dramatiques Guildhall à Londres, avec le soutien de la Commune de Madrid et Juv- entudes Musicales. Il a participé à des master class avec les quatuors Casals et Quiroge et avec Wolfgang Redick, Anuschka Comesaña, David Quiggle, Thomas Riebl, Ralph Gothoni et Anthony Marwood.
Il s’est produit avec les orchestres Simón Bolivar, Orquestra Iberoamericana et European Camerata et, depuis 2010, il est membre du quatuor Chiaroscura dont le premier enregis-trement a reçu le prix « Choc del Anne » ainsi que d'excellentes critiques dans les journaux BBC Music Magazine et The Strad. Ses partenaires de musique de chambre incluent Louise Hopkins, Jérôme Pernoo et Alasdair Beatson. Au cours de la saison 2012–13 son trio Isimsiz se produira dans les salles Barbican, Royal Festival et Wigmore.
Il joue sur un violon de 1851 créé par Jean Baptiste Vuillame.
Pablo Hernán Benedí was born in Madrid in 1991. He studied at the Padre Antonio Soler Conservatory in El Escorial with Fernando Rius and Polina Kotliarskaya, before coming to London in 2009 to study at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with David Takeno, supported by the Comunidad de Madrid and Juventudes Musicales. He has participated in masterclasses with the Casals and Quiroga quartets, and with Wolfgang Redick, Anuschka Comesaña, David Quiggle, Thomas Riebl, Ralph Gothoni, and Anthony Marwood. Pablo also received lessons from Gordan Nikolitch, under whom he performed in the BandArt Orchestra.
He has performed with the Simón Bolivar, Iberoamericana, and European Camerata orchestras, and since 2010 he has been a member of the Chiaroscuro Quartet, whose début recording won the "Le choc del anne" prize as well as excellent reviews in the BBC and The Strad magazines. His chamber-music partners include Louise Hopkins, Jérôme Pernoo, and Alasdair Beatson. In the 2012/13 season his Trio Isimsiz will perform at London’s Barbican, Royal Festival Hall, and Wigmore Hall.
He plays a violin by Jean Baptiste Vuillaume from 1851.
Il s’est produit avec les orchestres Simón Bolivar, Orquestra Iberoamericana et European Camerata et, depuis 2010, il est membre du quatuor Chiaroscura dont le premier enregis-trement a reçu le prix « Choc del Anne » ainsi que d'excellentes critiques dans les journaux BBC Music Magazine et The Strad. Ses partenaires de musique de chambre incluent Louise Hopkins, Jérôme Pernoo et Alasdair Beatson. Au cours de la saison 2012–13 son trio Isimsiz se produira dans les salles Barbican, Royal Festival et Wigmore.
Il joue sur un violon de 1851 créé par Jean Baptiste Vuillame.
Pablo Hernán Benedí was born in Madrid in 1991. He studied at the Padre Antonio Soler Conservatory in El Escorial with Fernando Rius and Polina Kotliarskaya, before coming to London in 2009 to study at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with David Takeno, supported by the Comunidad de Madrid and Juventudes Musicales. He has participated in masterclasses with the Casals and Quiroga quartets, and with Wolfgang Redick, Anuschka Comesaña, David Quiggle, Thomas Riebl, Ralph Gothoni, and Anthony Marwood. Pablo also received lessons from Gordan Nikolitch, under whom he performed in the BandArt Orchestra.
He has performed with the Simón Bolivar, Iberoamericana, and European Camerata orchestras, and since 2010 he has been a member of the Chiaroscuro Quartet, whose début recording won the "Le choc del anne" prize as well as excellent reviews in the BBC and The Strad magazines. His chamber-music partners include Louise Hopkins, Jérôme Pernoo, and Alasdair Beatson. In the 2012/13 season his Trio Isimsiz will perform at London’s Barbican, Royal Festival Hall, and Wigmore Hall.
He plays a violin by Jean Baptiste Vuillaume from 1851.