beatrice philips, violon/violin
Beatrice Philips poursuit une riche carrière indépendante en tant que musicien de chambre, soliste, chef d’orchestre et professeur. Elle est le premier violon du quatuor Eusebius qui bénéficie d’une réputation grandissante pour ses inter-prétations imaginatives et communicatives et qui va participer aux de nombreux festivals pendant cette saison. Beatrice est fondatrice etdirectrice du Lewes Chamber Music Festival qui, déja à sa sixième édition, est un évenement annuel reconnu qui attire de nombreux musiciens de grand renom international. A l’aise utilisant les techniques modernes et historiques, elle a dirigé et joué comme soliste avec de nombreux petitsensembles et orchestres de chambre à Londres,dont le 12 Ensemble, London Chamber Orchestra, Multi-Story Orchestra, Solomon's Knott et Arcangelo (sous le baton de Jonathan Cohen). Elle a aussi joué avec des orchestres symphoniques, dont l’Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique de Sir John Eliot Gardiner, et l’année derniére elle a été chef d’attaque invité des seconds violons à Welsh National Opera.
En 2007 Beatrice obtient un diplôme avec mention à l’université Kings College London, pendant qu’elle étudie parallèlement le violon à la Royal Academy sous Howard Davies. Ensuite elle a achevé sa maîtresse a l’Académie Sibelius à Helsinki, tout en étudiant sous Olivier Charlier au Conservatoire national supérieur de musique de Paris. Elle a joué dans de nombreux festivals, dont notamment Cheltenham, Kuhmo, Oxford Chamber MusicFestival, Two Moors, Resonances, IMS Prussia Cove, Wye Valley et Hatfield House, et avec son quatuor elle a participé à une émission de BBC Radio 3.
Beatrice Philips enjoys a busy and diverse freelance life as a chamber musician, soloist, orchestral leader and teacher. She is first violinist of the Eusebius Quartet, which is fast gaining a reputation for its imaginative and communicative performances, and is appearing this season in numerous chamber music festivals. Beatrice founded and directs the Lewes Chamber Music Festival which, now in its sixth year, is a significant annual musical event attracting many world-renowned performers. At home on both a modern and historical set-up, Beatrice has led and performed with many small ensembles and chamber orchestras in London, such as 12 Ensemble, London Chamber Orchestra, Multi-Story orchestra, Solomon's Knott, and Arcangelo, directed by Jonathan Cohen. Larger orchestral work includes work with the Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique directed by Sir John Eliot Gardiner and last year guest principal second violin with Welsh National Opera.
Beatrice gained a First Class degree in 2007 from Kings College London university during which she studied violin at the Royal Academy with Howard Davis. Following this, she completed a Masters at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, during which she studied for one year with Olivier Charlier at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique in Paris. She has since appeared at many festivals including Cheltenham, Kuhmo, Oxford Chamber Music Festival, Two Moors, Resonances, IMS Prussia Cove, Wye Valley, and Hatfield House and has broadcast on BBC Radio 3 with her quartet.
En 2007 Beatrice obtient un diplôme avec mention à l’université Kings College London, pendant qu’elle étudie parallèlement le violon à la Royal Academy sous Howard Davies. Ensuite elle a achevé sa maîtresse a l’Académie Sibelius à Helsinki, tout en étudiant sous Olivier Charlier au Conservatoire national supérieur de musique de Paris. Elle a joué dans de nombreux festivals, dont notamment Cheltenham, Kuhmo, Oxford Chamber MusicFestival, Two Moors, Resonances, IMS Prussia Cove, Wye Valley et Hatfield House, et avec son quatuor elle a participé à une émission de BBC Radio 3.
Beatrice Philips enjoys a busy and diverse freelance life as a chamber musician, soloist, orchestral leader and teacher. She is first violinist of the Eusebius Quartet, which is fast gaining a reputation for its imaginative and communicative performances, and is appearing this season in numerous chamber music festivals. Beatrice founded and directs the Lewes Chamber Music Festival which, now in its sixth year, is a significant annual musical event attracting many world-renowned performers. At home on both a modern and historical set-up, Beatrice has led and performed with many small ensembles and chamber orchestras in London, such as 12 Ensemble, London Chamber Orchestra, Multi-Story orchestra, Solomon's Knott, and Arcangelo, directed by Jonathan Cohen. Larger orchestral work includes work with the Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique directed by Sir John Eliot Gardiner and last year guest principal second violin with Welsh National Opera.
Beatrice gained a First Class degree in 2007 from Kings College London university during which she studied violin at the Royal Academy with Howard Davis. Following this, she completed a Masters at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, during which she studied for one year with Olivier Charlier at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique in Paris. She has since appeared at many festivals including Cheltenham, Kuhmo, Oxford Chamber Music Festival, Two Moors, Resonances, IMS Prussia Cove, Wye Valley, and Hatfield House and has broadcast on BBC Radio 3 with her quartet.